Time Graph Pixel Averaging

The height of the red line on a Time Graph indicates the percentage of packet loss in the time period being represented by the pixel.  Keep in mind that based on the number of samples you collect and the scale of the lower graph you're showing, all timeouts may show up as 100%, or there may be multiple samples in any pixel.

If you're doing a trace every 10 seconds, and you're showing 10 minutes of samples, this is only 60 samples.  Any one sample is going to take multiple pixels to display.  On the other hand, if you're doing that same thing and showing 48 hours, that's 17280 samples and some averaging of samples needs to be done to display all the data.  This is where the packet loss percentage really makes sense in the lower graph.  In this case, you're probably going to have about 35 samples being averaged in any one pixel width, so the line height of the latency is going to be an average number, and the packet loss is going to be a percentage based on how many failed and how many succeeded.  If there were no successful samples in a pixel width, then there will be no black line showing the latency, but instead a full-height red line to show 100% packet loss.

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